Tuesday, 18 September 2007

PRE ORDER HALO 3!!!!!!!!........just not from virgin....

This is a rant, so all ye who do not wish to be subject to negativity may want to pass?

So i finally get off my arse and realise that i need Halo 3 in my life, after weeks of specualting that Halo was mega but not without issues an Halo 2 just fecked me off outright, i actually go an pre order this (no-doubt) mammoth game. I visted my usual game website www.gamestracker.com to give me the cheapest possible price it can, and low and behold......its only Virgin Megastores!? Now i say this with sarcasm because Virgin (much like HMV) are not known for there cheapness, although there prices have gone down considerably thanks to websites like www.play.com. So i figure hell yea, if Virgins the cheapest then lets go with it?! So i go through the motions, i register with them, email/address/name all that guff, i find the game, pre order, you have successfully completed an order, fuckin gear!.......but wait.......no conformation email? Hmmm? Ah well, it'll probably be there tomorrow? Still no email huh........hmmmmm..........shit.............

This goes on for a few days, so i try logging on to the site to check its ok? The username or password is invalid. Shit. Ok, lets ask for a password conformation. A day goes by. Still nothing, ok, lets send em a customer enquiry letter. A day goes by. Still nothing.........siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. OK........FUCK IT..........lets ring the customer phone number, an 0845 number.........15 mins go by.....my credit runs out.............i phone again............and after 15 mins of waiting i finally get through, it turns out this whole thing was my fault, i hadn't put th l in hotmail when i wrote my email address, all is sorted in the space of 1 min. Im happy again. For about 30 sec. I suddenly get an email from Virgin, a conformation email. Halo 3 i thought, but no, this is........for the Sharpe Collectors Edition DVD Box Set........WTF..............not only do i have a conformation email for this box set (orderd my a Mr Stephen Wise) but i also have his address an order conformation in my Virgin account.........ok......now im fuckin pissed......

After a further 15 fuckin mins of waiting again i get through to Virgin, funnily enough to the same guy (who i must point out was very helpful and at no point did i/do i wish tear his eyes out with a spoon). I tell him whats happend, he's confused. He says he'll phone me back. After shitting my pants for a further 15 mins (thinking someone had gotten my details and was ordering historical action dramas) he phones me back, turns out this Mr Wise phoned up too, asking why he hadn't got a conformation email about the box set? All in all for some reason i had gotten Mr Wise's conformation email his address and conformation put into my account.......for no.........fucking..........reason............

Now, im a resonable guy, i didnt shout at anyone, i paid a small fortune to find out i had fucked up only to find out they had fucked up and in the process made me totally shit my fuckin cegs!! I came incredably close to canceling my credit card too! So, its with great sadness that i canceled my order with Virgin and am now going to pay a little more from a more secure website (www.gameplay.com anyone). Im not saying this happens all the time, but it happend to me, and royally shit me up, so if you havent guessed so far.........i wouldnt recommed buying from Virgin.

Prof Membrain

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