Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Super Street Fighter IV Video Game, Exclusive Features Trailer HD

I'm always the last person on this blog to get excited about Street Fighter. Even I can't deny how awesome this looks.

By the way, the title is the link.


Sam said...

Someone buy me SF so I can be cool too :P

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Faux Bot said...

I just filled the cup.

Death By Die said...

I have to be honest... i'm not sure i'll even get the new one. £30 for another version of streetfighter.... as much as i love the games, they still havent really changed all that much. you know when you slag off EA for those endless rebuffed sports games? same could be said for capcom and its streetfighter. and i'm getting fed up of it=/ i'll have to be bored and rich when this is due out to consider getting, one of which seems to be a very rare thing.

Bojack85 said...

I read it will be alot cheaper than £30. And i think everyone knew it wouldnt be long before a update came along. Its been over a year when you think about it. I must have had at least 10 different versions of street fighter 2. Count me in!

The Faux Bot said...

Vandalworks, I have to agree with you in a way man. It pisses me off what the sporting licences get away with year in, year out. But since I got into Street Fighter I understand what it is to be a fan. I am hanging on every single info leak with this game. The way I look at it is SF4 was a big risk for Capcom - fighting games as a genre were dead in the water and Street Fighter was a niche, albeit much-loved brand. The job they did was amazing. Super only exists because fans are demanding it. I would go ape-shit if they DIDN'T bring out more for me to buy.

The Faux Bot said...

Also, on a very persoanl level, I owe a lot to Street Fighter 4. If it weren't for that game and our first tourney, I may have never met you or Cr0nt or met back up with my long-lost brothers - Dai and Richard. As sad or as mental as it may sound, Street Fighter has massively improved my life. Don't forget you have a title to defend too. What, you don't think I got some epic shit planned for Round 2?!

Death By Die said...

if the title is being fought around SSFIV then i shall make the title vacant.

dont get me wrong i've gained so much good from SFIV, i just simply cannot afford wat is essentially a few new bits to an already existing game. i was getting excited about it, but the more i realised how much i played SFIV, the less it started mattering. i dont really play it and i've never tried to learn any combo like many people do, i play it in a very simple way and with the same old character, so new characters really arent that appealing to me. i have much respect for people who are able to pick new characters up and find new combos etc... but its simply not my gaming style.

to be honest, i've been meaning to post on here about my current gripes with gaming, even though its in the best state is possibly ever been. bad games are still playable whereas back in the early nineties a bad game couldnt be looked at... i just feel i'm not having so much fun anymore.

i've tried getting into so many games this year, batman, borderland, bioshock etc... all are great but have i been able to play enough to complete any of them? no. my current relationship with gaming is a rocky one... and i'm not sure how it will end.

Anonymous said...

@vworks, don't get me wrong, this isn't intended as a slight at you but isn't MW2 (for which the bog standard version retails at 20GBP more than Super will) just a few new bits in an already existing game? I would never expect a sequel to reinvent the wheel - which is what the above comment is intended to point out, only that whatever is found to be wrong with the game is fixed in the sequel and sufficient extra content is added. I think that's what we're getting with Super, at least I hope.

Also, SSFIV will retail at around 25GBP
so won't be so bad. You could always donate your copy of 'vanilla' to samboy though - instant coolness transfer ;)

Hope your relationship with gaming doesn't end, even if you have to secede the SF throne and just play MW2 - its good just having you round. Especially for ultra ULTRA long discussions in the comments sections ^_^

Death By Die said...

cront, i see what you mean, but a sequel for cod does change much of what happens in the game. new levels for multiplayer means new ways of shooting, whereas for myself i dont go that deeply into streetfighter to care about new buttom combos for new fighters i'll never use. i just dont see why there has to be another release, even if it is 'just' £25.

i too would never expect a sequel to reinvent itself, but i would like more for my money. seeing the video on inside xbox of one of the developers for superstreetfighter talking about all the 'new' bits... its like the snes versions all over again. it feels like they've purposely left a lot out in case it sells well so they can cram it in a sequel. the added costumes were a joke for SFIV, some looked cool dont get me wrong... but all those microsoft points for what basically does nothing gameplay wise? rip off.

Anonymous said...

@vworks the new alternate costumes won't cost a penny, which is better, some of them suck [Chli we're looking at you] ;) Also the new selectable ultra option means that people will always have to be on their toes, you won't know, unless you are playing locally which option they select - no more when gief gets close can you bait an ultra and just jump - he might have that horrible looking air ultra instead and catch you with that, same for Fuerte - when he had his you couldn't jump at him, but now he might have the one that hits low so do you risk it? These add more than enough new ways to play for me, its not so much playing as loads of new characters but playing against them, I'll be sticking with Gen ;)

I was also fed up of pretty much everybody's rival being Ryu. That's been fixed, mine will still be Chli but that's fine.

The sequel to COD, at least to me, was pretty much "We updated the multiplayer. There's a new campaign, but its short, easy and we spent about 10 minutes thinking it up - you may or may not be able to tell. Other games have challenge modes so we followed suit and put one of those in too and called it spec ops, some of them are broken but if you keep doing them eventually the bug might not happen. So that's 45GBP for the new multiplayer please. And we will then charge you in the region of 7GBP to unlock the new game modes that are already on the disc, in about 4 months time. We gave you new maps so there are new ways to shoot."[This has been verified at least on PC] So its not like Capcom are alone in trying to make money. We the gamer will always be done over because developers will always have to treat it like a business, but that is because that is exactly what it is.

Super will also have new game modes, including quarter mode, online training etc. There will now be over 4 hours of cut scenes (MGS better watch out - there's a contender to your throne). There are also way more tweaks under the hood - like boundary rebounds for extra juggles and the return of the bonus stage. Your post suggests that all they have included are some new characters that you will never use so is a rip off. This just isn't true. The game was also actually released July 18 2008 (Japan, August in America), so it will be nearly 2 years before the sequel will have been released. 2 years, at least to me, is a fair amount of time to allow for a sequel. I know none of this will convince you to buy it, but some of your complaints have been slightly egregious. As for them not changing so much, play Alpha or 3; 4 was a huge gamble for Capcom so they had to at least ensure some sales by returning to the characters that "made" the franchise. The inclusion of shortcuts (easier motions that still make the same special moves come out) also makes it easier, try playing any edition of SFII and try df,d,df punch and see if you get a SRK. Bet you don't.

Still, I think we should have a vanilla SF tournament before Easter so you can at least defend. We do have 4 months or so before its released. None of this is intended as flame, but my opinion and setting some records straight (like time between releases).

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Death By Die said...

as for new fighters to fight against, this doesnt appeal to me. since playing streetfighter all those years ago, theres never really been that much of a change. yes theres tweaks and so on, but it still remains the same basic game. same moves, similar strengths and weaknesses. as much love for the game as i have, no matter what they put in the new game it'll be same old, same old.

yeah i'm not saying cod as changed much, but i'm still having fun with it. for me this is a huge thing. i dont enjoy streetfighter so much anymore. i'm simply getting bored of something i used to play 15+ years ago, i simply want something different. cod is giving me that. i've tried many games and none have come close to giving me the same kind of experience on cod, multiplayer fun. left for dead i found was tedious, team fortress seemed extrememly flawed from the time i spent on it, bioshock seemed good but just didnt draw me in, borderlands is good but while its a multiplayer game, i enjoyed playing alone more.

i'm not saying these games are good or bad, i'm simply saying they're not for me and i want something different. yeah cod has its faults, but at its core its the best fps multiplayer experience today. and thats my view.

Anonymous said...

Horses for courses mate ^_^

All (read: almost all) of the moves have been changed in damage etc. [frames of invulnerability for example] I believe there is speculation that the counter multipliers might be in, but probably not. I don't really think it is the same basic game though. It might look pretty damn similar but the strategies and mindf***s in game will have to change as everyone will have more options to deal with whatever you are throwing at them. It's a move from chequers to chess. Capcom also said that people won't have the option to just sit back and wait for you to attack (I guess something similar to Guard Break from some of the earlier games). In short it might look pretty much the same but will play so very differently.

Glad you are having fun with some games though - there is at least hope. My view is that CounterStrike is better though lol [I kid, well actually I'm serious, but its not on X360]. Would you be up for a tournament pre-Super? I'm sure I can bully the hell out of TFB to organise something.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooooh looksie - we once again have a cr0nt-vandalworks discussion thread ;)

Death By Die said...

i really doubt it, you're better off waiting for the new one to come out. i havent even played it in god knows how long.

and yeah, always seems to be us. be nice if others had some input too.

Bojack85 said...

I can see where Kev is coming from. I get far more fun playing cod than streetfighter. When it comes to streetfighter I dont care about frames of animation or learning every character, I just pick up and play and i dont care if I win or loose. To be honest I only enjoy street fighter for nostalgic value and having a good laugh. Im never gonna put in the time that other individuals do but I can understand what they get out of it.

If capcom were gonna charge £40 i would say fuck right off. The extra content doesnt justify charging full price especially when i only like 2 of the new characters. Im gunna be picking it up to have a laugh with friends and family cos thats what it is to me. Trading in my vanilla will even make it cheaper.

These days I prefer games like Cod, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Left 4 Dead, GTA etc. cos i wasnt playing them 20 years ago whereas street fighter doesnt feel any different to me than it did back then, it just looks nicer and that aint a bad thing.

Bojack85 said...

I would also like to see other tournements other than street fighter. Thats if other people would be interested.

Anonymous said...

Seriously though, go back and play SFII, you'll notice a world of difference. Make sure you trade in your vanilla AFTER you get super - Capcom have promised a bonus for anyone with the 'vanilla' disk - I guess it will be the avatar gear they are promising.

But seriously, THERE IS MORE EXTRA CONTENT THAN JUST 8 NEW CHARACTERS. Sorry for the caps but it seems noone else has noticed that it is not even going to play the same.

Mass Effect 2 soon though... and BlazBlue. Then Bioshock 2. Then Alan Wake (which I seem to be the only one REALLY looking forward to). Then Super. Tough few months ^^

Anonymous said...

Sorry, we must have just posted at the same time - I think that organising one tournament is pretty gruelling, so asking TFB to do more than the awesome job he already is is a bit much, but maybe if someone else were to step up and organise it that would be OK by me. Either that or we have a poll to see what the next one is.

Justtherightbullets said...

Kev! You're just making a ridiculous amount of sense to me. Seriously I feel the same as you on many points^^. That said, I probably will end up getting super and I bought the costumes first time around... I think my problem is that I'm a visual whore, I've never got into the complexities of the game- I think I even enjoy watching others play SFIV more than playing myself!

I definitely see it as more of a social thing, it's more about gaming with the lads than the game itself.

I've been though a similar gaming dilemma that you've hinted you're going through too. Last year there was a point I wondered why I even had a XBOX >_<. I found taking a break and then returning to a few favourite titles helped^^.

Bojack85 said...

To me they havent added any more than new characters, new costumes, new stages and one or two new online mode. I dont care about the dumbing down of characters or alterations in frames of animation for each character cos I'm not that into it. If they put a tag team element like marvel vs capcom id be more interested or a story mode for each character to flesh it out a bit more. Id never go back and play anything before the alpha series cos it would just be unplayable.

As for tournements I know ben n kris work hard on them and I wouldnt even suggest running two seperate tournements at the same time. Im just sayin dont make every one a street fighter one cos this may aswell be a street fighter blog then, and it isnt its a games blog and there should be other forms of tournements. A poll is a perfect idea, let the people decide. Not a micropoll one tho :)

Bojack85 said...

@cr0nt Just to let you know that Im as excited about Alan Wake as you are. Theres so much out over the next few months. So much that Im gonna leave FFXIII till summer when theres a lull in the market.

Death By Die said...

how did the little games fest go up in beaufort the other day? i'd loved to have gone but weather was absolutely terrible. this is th ekind of way i'd start playing streetfighter again. playing online is good un'all, but i miss being in an arcade and seeing my opponent. theres just something more to it.

i'd love to see more tourneys, and wouldnt mind if i had to help run it, or do it myself if i had a rough idea on how to set it up. what game i dont know, i know there was some optimism for a cod tourney, and i'd still welcome this. 2x2 i believe?

be nice to maybe have a rock band/guitar hero get together tourney, pro faceoffs, i dont know.

kris, a couple of times i've wondered what i could do with the £200 i'd get for selling the xbox, and beleive me, its been tempting. not working, i need more for my money than just a few new things. cod got away with this because theres more to adding new levels in a fps game than there is a few characters to a beat em up, at least in my opinion.

The Faux Bot said...

Fucking hell boys, hope we haven't got a comment limit. In all seriousness, seeing everyone discussing games this way is just one of many reasons why I love this blog.

Everyone is making sense, which is exactly why I love you guys. Cr0nt hit the nail on the head with 'horses for courses'. I never had the dexterity or patience to play Street Fighter as a kid, now I can sit and learn and enjoy it to the full extent. More importantly, I value imagination above all else. Street Fighter as a series consistently blows my mind with amazing characters and lush design, which is exactly why I love it so much.I've never had a boner for guns and army men, when I was a kid I loved Fist of the North Star, not G.I. Joe.

Super is no more of a shameless cash-in than MW2.

The Faux Bot said...

Oh, and on the subject of tourneys, yes, they are a bastard to organise and the only one I'm interested in right now is the next Street Fighter tourney, which is going to be different.

I'd love to have different tourneys and participate in them, but I just have the time between everything else. I've told people before that you're free to do that stuff under the Split-Screen banner. Fill your boots, I'm not trying to maintain some sort of Monopoly here. Point is, I'll be organising what it is that I want to do. The COD tourney has false-started a few times now and no-one could seem to hammer out a decent plan. That said, I will help with anything anyone else wants to do and I am always open to ideas.

I'm going away for a few days now though, so you can reach me at if inspiration strikes!

Anonymous said...

I swear the 'MW2 for the everyman' was a lot longer than this (or it felt it) so we should be ok ^_^

@bojack I don't think that the people reading the blog having some games with the pressure of glory being based on street fighting makes it a Street Fighter blog. Read the last x entries. Games of the year/next year, games of the decade, peripheral modification, and this post. That's 1 in 4 (I can't be bothered to look further back but you get the idea).

If you all recall I created a platform for organising such things but was the only person who ever posted anything about it and tried to start them so you can blame nobody but yourselves that there isn't one (that's not entirely aimed just at bojack).

Anyway, this topic has gotten way off topic so lets return to it. Check the twitter stream (it's a retweet of iplaywinner) for some cool new videos of Ryu, Cody, Adon and Ken's second ultras. Cody looks sloooooow.

Anonymous said...

And lulz at the hippo falling over at the end of the ultra

YEAH R0Y said...

im with bojack on and earlier comment of doing "other" tournaments not just street fighter!

and i am a fan of street fighter i just haven't felt the need to buy it yet... i think it will be something i will eventually pick up as i have played it and did enjoy it, but as Vworks said its nothing new and i did enjoy it mostly for the nostalgia, however im just a FPS kinda guy and that's what floats my boat

but i did finally pick up rock band/beatles rock band/
GH world tour and im having a whale of a time if anyone fancies a session soon hit me up

and i need people to play LD2 with as i've had it for about 3 weeks and haven't completed a campaign on it yet as its more fun with others!

Bojack85 said...

@cront Back on topic, those ultras are sweet even adons and i hate adon. Im just looking forward to Juri she looks the most promising addition for me. The other characters added ive never used. Fingers crossed for rolento tho!

Anonymous said...

@bojack sorry, the characters they've not unveiled yet will be the new guy Hakan (some kind of arab grappler), Ibuki, Makoto and Dudders. I'm quite looking forward to Makoto off that list, if you guess right what your opponent is going to do maybe twice in a match its over. I think Dee Jay will be heinously overpowered though. The next iteration's Sagat, but quick too.

@yeah r0y well quit talking about it and organise a different tournament. TFB wants to do a SF one so that's what he will do. Read his post. As for it being 'nothing new' see bojack's post agreeing to that fact then posting a little later that he wouldn't go back to anything before alpha (which was WAAAAAAAAY after SF2) because it would be unplayable. Your memory is just playing tricks on you ;)

If you're 'an FPS kinda guy' that's no problem, but again it was an egregious (and somewhat asinine) comment - especially when I already suggested we get back on topic. And yes, L4D is way better with others.

Justtherightbullets said...

@Cr0nt. What are you the comment police? Take it easy.

Anonymous said...

Colour me apologetic. I rescind my previous comment. Well, everything after @yeah

YEAH R0Y said...

indeed, didn't realise i wasn't entitled to my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I would like to apologise if anybody was upset or took offence at my previous post. I was repeatedly trying to make the remark that we do not know all of the features of a game that has not been released or played. I took exception for no reason at the comments of yeah r0y (the straw that broke this camel's back). Once again, sorry, let's move this topic forward (or sideways ^_^). It won't happen again.
