Thursday, 28 January 2010

Fourth title from Platinum Games to be announced, maybe some point today

 The latest Gametrailers TV episode that airs in America, 12pm their time, will feature the exclusive reveal of Platinum Games' elusive fourth title. Platinum stated that they would be producing 4 titles with Sega: Bayonetta, MadWorld, Infinite Space and one more unannounced title top be headed by Resident Evil creator, Shinji Mikami. This could potentially be fucking huge. And since I've now done a total U-turn on how I feel about Bayonetta, my excitement is at an all-time high.

I don't know what time we'll be able to watch that episode, I never follow Gametrailers - a massive oversight on my part, I know- so if anyone knows when I'll be able to find out, please let me know in the comments. For now, keep watch, ready for me to go ape-shit excieted or mad depending on what they announce.

Split-Screen: Bringing you erratic U-turns and unfounded excitement since 2007.

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