For those of you not in the 'Street Fighter Club' there is a very simple solution if you are getting annoyed with this 'favouritism'. Just buy Street Fighter 4, or commit to buying Super Street Fighter 4. Get on the train. There's obviously going to be another awesome-as-fuck tournament which I'm going to be bullying everyone to take part in, so why not save yourself the trouble.
I'm going to hold back now. I've got an essay simmering in my brain, one where I gush over the importance of character and why Street Fighter does it best. This post did have a point at the beginning, and that was to show you these scans that confirm Adon, Guy and Cody as playable characters in SSF4.

By the looks of it, these scans come from Japanese gaming bible, Famitsu. Most hot-shit news scans do. If the Japanese gaming industry were a little healthier right now, I'd probably subscribe just to stay on top of announcements. Then again, I could just let Kotaku do all the work for me, which is, incidentally, where I swiped this news from.
Debate in the comments: good additions, or bad ones? Like the world needed a quicker Sagat, right? Prison Cody is rad. Still no Haggar.
UPDATE (cheers Cr0nt):
*YAY* more easy 'hard' trials ^_^
Now if only I could finish these last 5 on SF4 I'd be a happy man!
Oh, and if Cody and Guy are in it you are one step closer to Mike...
In fact the picture of someone wailing on Chli could actually be Metro City...
Last one for now (I promise) - that Dudley picture is a fake. Check the Ultra gauge and compare it to the SSF4 one.
Having just watched the Gen arcade ending again I noticed that Gen witnessed Gouken vs. Gouki for Ryu's soul with the implication that Gouki won it - I wonder how many who play the current incarnation of Ryu will switch to Evil Ryu when SSF4 comes out... Also, for Dudley to be present would mean his car would have been taken - which means Gill (and his associated Resurrection Art) T_T
Or, in fact the Chrysler building being in the back could mean that its Rolento (his stage in alpha 2 had it...), sorry, new characters statements always get me more excited. I bet it's Rolento.
It looks pretty solid to me. The ultra gauge on the chunners screen is charged and the Dudley one is empty-perhaps that's why they look different. More to the point, why would anyone fake Street Fighter screenshots?
Look closer, in the current iteration it has a glowing 'ULTRA' and flames shooting out of it when the meter is sufficiently full - the chli on looks different and is what it will look like in SSF4 ;)
Holy crap - for the comparison between the ultra gauges crack up your SF4 and compare it with this:
HOWEVER, I've just noticed and can't believe I never saw before on that video that Juri has a LEVEL II ULTRA STOCKED!!!!!!!!
Oops, flooding again, it could also just correspond to which of the two selectable ultra combos they have chosen o_0
bloody hell... i've only just seen about this on eurogamer, thought i was good and realised its well late in the day haha. a debate is already raging!!!
We have video courtesy of ign:;jsessionid=6muupqphop87s
Holy shit. It's so much better seeing the characters animated! Love the remixed Final Fight tune and Adon's Ultra looks brutal. Orignal Cody costume as alternative outfit? It's gotta be done, right? I'm not going to resist DLC this time around, but it'd make my day if they make that happen for free.
I think that after the complaints that we paid for a code to unlock content already on the disc Capcom will see sense and give the alternate costumes for free - and hopefully Cody's original is an option, and that Gen's alternative is completely reworked because it looks retarded.
As a not, Cody looks SLOW, like Sagat slow with his moves but a faster travel speed, Guy looks like a halfway house between Gen and Ryu, which I'd expect as that is kind of what he is, and Adon looks like he sucks as usual - his Jaguar kicks look like they're going to be really fun to time - especially the EX one seen in the video.
The only things I want from this game that haven't been announced properly are:
1. Dhalsim's elephant stage
2. Better balancing - it was pretty good last time and nobody was unbeatable but there were one or two characters that had a distinct advantage.
3. The ability to save any and all of my own XBL fights, instead of just being able to download the top 1000 - my fights do not need to be posted to any server or leaderboard, just let me save them.
Looks like my 1 and 2 will be Gen and Guy (unless they see sense and pack in Makoto) - look forward to beating me in Team Battle ^-^
Also, Adon is no 'quicker Sagat' he will be a complete rushdown type character and nowhere near as strong as 'gat - its going to be more like he's a Muay Thai C. Viper as iirc he has no projectile...
Also, was it wrong to assume that everyone had seen this:
Quarter mode is now called 'Endless Battle', and also I love that the video for Sagat vs. Dhalsim where is says 'learn from the experts' is like this:
Tiger shot, Tiger shot, Tiger shot, Tiger shot, Tiger shot --> win.
Holy crap, its too early in the morning for me but is that the English voice Ryu fighting an English voice M. Bison with a health bar that says 'Vega' - here's hoping it has fallen in line with the Japanese version - stupid Americans thinking that 'Vega' sounded like a weak name so the end boss couldn't have it.
Also, (yes, again, sorry) in the top right picture is he blocking a kunai? Looks like he is in the midst of his super though (unless he has the stupid block animation this side of stupidville) which could mean Ibuki... I love speculation ^_^
I heard the reason that they changed all the names around was because Bison was deemed too close to Tyson for western releases. Please don't tell me that kids made that up.
That's true, but Tyson has since proven to be a fan of vidya gamez and has retired from professional boxing - if they put it in a positive light, saying that the character isn't based on him but the fight style is then I'm sure he'd love the homage - I would much rather that Dictator was called Vega
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