because the game of our turn based dreams is soon to be released on the 360.

yes, blood bowl. this has a very holy place near to my gaming heart, as i spent a small amount of my youth playing the board game against my brother in law, who introduced it to me. its probably one of the few things that tore me away from my snes, megedrive, and hoop shooting. you see, as amazing as having a game world given to us to marvel in is great, games such as blood bowl allow you to adapt things for how you wish to play. make rules or teams up yourselves, and as long as they're balanced rules, much fun can be gained. painting the small miniatures was also another popular part, being able to paint any such detail of a character any colour you wished was a big draw for my imaginative mind, and so many pots of paint were emptied oonto ainting umpteen teams for the hardboard pitch.
back in my mega drive days, there existed a game that was sorta like this, ableit a little more strange. this may ring a few bells....

it was very much like a john madden game, very similar controls and gameplay but levels had you floating in space or in other strange fantasy lands dueling with skeletons trolls and even aliens taking to the pitch. while this was fun, it was never anywhere near the fun i had playing a boardgame back in 1994.
about 20 years after its invention, its now in virtual form, and its the first game i've preordered for over a year. it may be dire, it may be ok, but i have a strong idea that personally, i'll find it amazing. the trailer on xbox live made me moist, and if honest, i'm more excited about this game than any other this year. that also goes for you modern warfare 2. as i said, this is a very personal choice as i dont think many people i know will enjoy a turn based american football/fantasy experience on their tv, but for me, its been a long wait
ok, so i cant paint the models again, but i can relive those days of being 14 and introduced to a world that has since kept me hanging in and around in interest, only this time its £30 and i dont need any geeky friends to play. dawn of war was amazingly good fun, and also space marine is coming out next year. xbox, grow some spots, put some specs on and become afraid of girls.... we have some geekage to attend too.
I don't need to be any more geek than I am, but to hell with it - I'll give it a go [unless of course it comes out in the first or second quarter of 2010, when my money will be sapped by BlazBlue, Bioshock 2, Mass Effect 2, and no doubt some other games I have forgotten in my excitement over the next gaming year!]
I am (kind of) looking forward to space marine, but since Epic did a particularly good job of ripping off the warhammer 40k universe (yes, I played when I was younger) that maybe the actual 40k game may be inferior - we shall have to wait and see.
Awesome! I was beginning to think the 360 version had been canned. This is what I need. Dude, do you remember Necromunda? It was a 40K off-shoot that, thinking about it now, is massively reminiscent of Fallout.
Ah, unfortunately I do remember it -_-
man, my bathroom read has been the necromunda sourcebook. spooky! i'm not sure but i may even have some old metal goliath gangers here... good game fair dues! i'd love to get back into games workshop in a more gaming form, just lack of interest from people i know and lack of funds.... its bloody expensive!
its out next week according to amazon, where my preorder is. i'd say get it if you can deal with what will be a very substandard control scheme, probably at best, and realise its not going to be for everyone. i'm thinking reviews it'll prob only get about 5 maybe 6 out of ten. but for me, this is enough to warrant a purchase. amazon let me pre order it for £30. cront, i'd say rent if anything and go from there!
5 or 6 out of ten is average/better than average which means that it probably is a worthwhile buy, the only problem is that I have spunked most of my money on L4D2 and the rest has to do for Krandal's visit, maybe after Christmas...
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